Blues Evaluations
For 2025-26 Season
All Geneseo Livingston Blues Teams 8U thru 18U
2025-26 8U 10U 12U Evaluations
Use to Register for Evaluations (FREE!)
Registration for the 2025-26 (which collects 25-26 fees will open in late April or May).
Registration open for: (starting on 2/11/2025)
8U (birthyears 2017 & 2018 plus 2019's who have completed the IP or similar program)
10U (birthyears 2015 & 2016)
12U (birthyears 2013 & 2014)
14U & 16U/18U will open on 3/18 per NYSAHA rules.
1.) Setup a Crossbar account (most families already have), go here
NOTE: this account will also be used when you register your child for the 25-26 season starting in April or May.
2.) Click on the REGISTRATION button below, fill out the info for your child. NOTE no fees are collected as this registration is FREE!